a group of people sitting together

Bangor Area School District

Building a new network to expand Wi-Fi coverage across the district for students and teachers while making it is easier for IT staff to manage.

  • Land: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
  • Branche: Bildungswesen
  • Lösung: Rechenzentrum, WiFi Solutions

Bangor Area School District in Eastern Pennsylvania set out to move away from old token ring technology and build a modern network for its 3300+ users. It also included building a full-coverage wireless network for teachers and students. As the district explored options, it discovered Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise switches and wireless access points delivered the most advanced technology at the lowest bid.

Bangor Area School District customer logo
The Stellar WLAN is easier to work with and has overall better performance than our previous WLAN APs. The overall network is a solid solution and easier to manage. It just works!
Timothy Curran, Director of Technology, Bangor Area School District





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