医疗保健 digital transformation: A connected care experience


Integrated solutions improve clinician response and enable connected patient care. 几个啊哈! 时刻s can help us see the bigger picture in digital healthcare

We are all familiar with sayings like: “the pieces of a puzzle seem to come together when you least expect it,” or, “小碎片组成了大画面。.”

这就是这样一个时刻, w在这里 the vision for our integrated digital healthcare solution, together with the first feedback from our customers on the global health crisis, 最近的一所大学.S. Mayo Clinic finding,  have brought the bigger picture into focus to create an 啊哈! 时刻.

我的一些啊哈! 一路走来的时刻

I’ve been involved in designing 通信 and infrastructure solutions for hospitals and assisted living facilities for the last 30 years and I’ve had a few 啊哈! 我想和你们分享的时刻.

During the many days that I have spent in hospitals, 作为一个父亲和丈夫, 幸运的是,不是作为病人, 我很清楚, while Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are an important and necessary tool, 它们也给医生和护士带来了额外的压力. 和, 虽然很多人会同意这个评估, including the Ministry of Health (MoH) at least to a certain extent, 这很难证明. That is, until recently when a report from the Mayo Clinic in the U.S. 突出显示 a link between EMR usability and professional burnout rates . This finding validates the increase in burnout rates we are also seeing in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region as digital tools are added to healthcare environments.


自2000年以来, 当我开始研究远程医疗解决方案时, I have seen the market evolve from simple video-sessions to connected patient care that integrates applications adapted to meet the needs of doctors and patients. 其中包括在线预约, 虚拟候诊室, EMR集成, 物联网(物联网)集成, 视频会话, 以及处方付款交付. 然而, many of these integrated applications are developed by start-ups and not by the care-providers. While the start-ups are working hard exploring technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and auto-triage, 阿尔卡特朗讯企业, 作为火狐体育手机专家, continue to work with healthcare customers on the frontline of this global pandemic. One example is in the area of teleconsulting within the hospital which can reduce the requirement for much needed personal protective equipment (PPE) when consulting with patients, 并且可以帮助临床医生自动进行患者分诊.

我们已经知道了 移动 communication devices in clinicians hands can drastically improve a hospital’s efficiency, 然而, when you combine telehealth integrated applications (adapted to the clinicians care pathway), 有了移动通信设备, 你得到 EMR and 协作 in the hands of the clinicians at the point of care. This not only improves efficiency by as much as 30% (depending how well you integrate the EMR with the 协作 tools), but it also adds applications to engage the patient while reducing the clinician burnout rate. 啊哈! #1.

随着我们进一步研究人工智能和物联网的整合, it’s clear that an optimal and price acceptable solution will not be possible as long as we continue to create information silos. 远程医疗和住院, Hospital Information System (HIS)/EMR and 协作 information (including audio/video) must be consolidated to become Big Data/AI efficient. 啊哈! #2.

基于以上, as well as the preliminary feedback on this healthcare crisis from our customers, the network infrastructure needed to support HIS/EMR, 协作, 物联网-medical设备, 还有移动设备, 必须灵活. It must be secure-by-design and it must be able to reconfigure and scale up or down automatically. The healthcare network infrastructure landscape is rapidly changing as the pieces come together. 我们有信心,ALE 数字时代网络 基于… 服务定义网络 医疗保健才是前进的方向. 啊哈! #3.

To learn more , listen to the webinar recording on this topic by filling out the form below

• Mobile care pathway-centric applications for caregivers and patients





Head of Business Development 医疗保健 APAC, 阿尔卡特朗讯企业

德克Dumortier is an experienced Director working with healthcare and government organizations in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region to guide their digital transformation journey. 作为前通讯副总裁, 是中国云销售的领导者, Dirk has a deep knowledge of end-to-end and converged solutions (network, 通信, 统一通信和协作, video, 呼叫中心, 云, on-demand and XaaS models) and understands the regional challenges and requirements.




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